E : dimasabimanyyy@gmail.com

T : +62 838-2621-9440

Hi, I’m Dimas Abimanyu, Front-end Software Engineer Based in Medan, Indonesia.

About Me

Foto Dimas Abimanyu

I am a highly motivated and enthusiastic software engineer with a specialization in frontend development. With a passion for creating visually appealing and user-friendly web experiences.

I currently working with Node and JavaScript ecosystems. However, I am always eager to expand my knowledge and learn new languages and technologies.

With strong problem-solving skills and a drive to continuously improve, I am confident in my ability to meet any challenge and deliver outstanding results.

Here are a few main technologies I've been working with recently :

  • HTML & S(CSS)
  • Javascript
  • React JS
  • Typescript
  • Node JS
  • Next JS
  • GraphQl


  • Web Development
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Wordpress Website
  • Modern and mobile-ready
  • Web Design
  • Version control system (GIT)
  • Cross-browser and device testing

Youtube Channel

My Works

Portfolio Project
React js - Fusion Charts - Github API - Styled Components
Github Profile

A website created using Fusion Charts to display repository statistics, including top languages and stars, sorted by stars and forks. Provides a comprehensive analysis of your GitHub activity with engaging data visualizations.

Portfolio Project
HTML & CSS - React js - Contentful CMS
Hotel Reservation

A hotel reservation website using React JS and Contentful headless CMS. Features include dynamic room booking, visually appealing interface, and easy content management via CMS. Built for user-friendly hotel booking experience.

Note : I only code this project and didn't make the design myself.
Portfolio Project
React - Materialize - disease.sh API
Covid 19 Tracker

A COVID-19 information website built with data from disease.sh API and charts powered by chart.js. Provides real-time data on global cases, trends, and analysis in a visually compelling format.

Portfolio Project
VS Code
Seafoam Theme

A theme that i created for Visual Studio Code to enhance the coding experience with a stylish, relaxing and eye-friendly color scheme. Available on Visual Studio Marketplace.



+62 838-2621-9440




Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Freelance Available

+62 838-2621-9440